Now Is The Time To Begin Spring Cleaning!
Check out your closets and garages and see if there are any music instruments
that are not being used. Please donate them to the
SAPPA AX Music Project
There are thousands of students who cannot afford musical instruments
and hundreds of schools that do not have instruments and instructional
materials or teachers.
The instrument loan program is not only based on need, but also certain
commitments. All students agrees to:
• practice daily
• follow the rules of the music program
• listen to and appreciate all types of music
• maintain and take care of the instrument at all times.
Parent/guardian agrees to support the student in every way possible,
including providing space and time for daily practice and checking assignments.
Instrument donations can be dropped off at:
Jackie Robinson Park 626-744-7330
1081 N. Fair Oaks, Pasadena, CA 91103
or *Call SAPPA, 626-793-8706 and we will make arrangements to
pick up donations.
Instrument Donors
Jeri Levy | Sue Black | Monica Peterson |
Lanny Hartley | Naoko Kawahira | Suzanne Weiss |
Barbara Pierce | Jasmine Putnam | Phil M. Wayne |
Georgia Lumpkin | Phillip Klein | Bobby Bradford |
HerbAlpert School of Music-UCLA | Mina Azizi | Lawanda Muhammad |
Susie Hansen | Angie Do-Tran | Marie Hand |
HB Barnum | Karen Lehman | Ingrid Wilkerson |
Arif Khatib | Hagai Izreli | Martin Turner |
Lucy Viola | Freeman Jackson | Wildwood School – Los Angeles |
Richard Lanier | Lynn Anne Lange | Nathan Nguyen |
Phil & Cheryl Cabasso | Rev. Alvin Mckinney | Monica Peterson |
Brenda Tyson | Jennifer Visik | Adriane & Mark Rothstein |
Welton Gite | Michael Birnbryer | Barry Zweig |
Kathryn Redwine | Jean Clements | Barbara Lashley |
F.Ancheta, | Larry Erlichman | Sandy Graham |
Karla Becker | Greg Hudson | Roscoe Lee Owens |
Charles Pullium | Peter Erskine | Greg Pappas |
Charyn Harris-Muszed | TJ Hudson | Kenny Sara |
Michel Mansoor | Anne Farnsworth | Larry Klimas, |
Heidi Galke | J. Taylor | Greg Mann |
Mari Beth Lefler | Hollie Fox | James Nash |
Leo Mouton | Kathryn Carr | Elisa Taylor |
Lisa Mays | Eunice Gray | Debra Tinsley |
Sam Ash Music | A & M Power | Guitar Center, Inc. |
Mike & Holly Fox | Mark Carlson | Frank Wolf |
Peter Bohan | Jim Wright | Octavio Fontes |
Robert Kyle | R. Mitchell | Phillip Warlick |
Walter & Elizebeth Norwood | Marcello Tallis, | Valarie King |
Tina Hicks | James Howard | Alyson Beecher |
Betty Bryant, | Ronda Carlson | Richard & David Hodge |
The Jazz Zone | Scotti Austin | Jeff Fesenmaier |
Cecil Brim | ||